"Cleaning and Scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
for babies grow up we learn to our sorrow,
so quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby and Babies Don't Keep."
Pregnancy and beyond!
Childrearing in the 21st Century!
"Cleaning and Scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
I forgot to write about yesterday's excitement. Joy discovered cat litter. Gave me quite a fright. I called the doctor, who told me to call Poison Control. I found out that there's now a national hotline number for Poison Control, that Joy should be ok unless she did ingest some used litter (crossing my fingers on that one). She seems to be doing ok, no vomiting, diahrhea (I know I spelled that wrong), fever or other signs of illness. But they said to watch her for the next week.
Tim and I made the mistake this week of trying to teach Joy to go down the stairs backwards ... you know, so that she doesn't fall and really crack her head. Not to mention that her legs are too short to go from step to step.