Monday, April 25, 2005

Joy's 3rd birthday

Joy's 3rd Birthday -- I wanted a seperate webpage, but Picasa is being fussy

Josh and his friend had a lot of fun blowing up balloons

Balloon Lightsabers

After the party, we went to the Wiggles concert. Perfect timing this year to coincide with her birthday

Lights ...

Camera ...

Popcorn ...



Murray Wiggle (Cook) .... plays a pretty good "Stairway to Heaven"

Do the Monkey ....

and elephant, and tiger .... the Wiggles music is designed to get you moving

I forget what song this one went to

Joy's newest brother -- she tried to call Wags to come home with us

more Wags

Joy finally got up and started dancing around the 3rd song.

There's Murray

balyoons -- according to Anthony

The dinosaurs from the Cave man song fit right in with Joy's current fascination -- dinosaurs

She loved dancing to Eagle Rock

more dinos

Eagle ROck

Daddy is pretty cool

Posted by Annette

Saturday, April 23, 2005

She has a new saying ....

So, Tim has been teaching Joy "Who da man?!" when they play basketball. And they say it to each other throughout the week. So I tried to catch it on video. So between "Who da man" and "Whazzup" (Josh is teaching her that one) ... I have a semi-ghetto little girl, who's very cute about it right now.

Monday, April 18, 2005

"I'll clean the ants up".

We have an ant problem. I think my way of dealing with them is rubbing off on Joy. After her initial "Mommy, there's ants on the floor!!!" she got the soap and water, drenched them and started picking them up with a paper towel.

That's my girl!
Posted by Annette

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Spring at the Farm

I took Joy to the zoo for a mommy/daughter bonding time. The Trillium Creek farm was having a special program that day. We got to see a sheep shearing, get her face painted, and of course, see the elephants. Ever since I took her to the circus she has LOVED elephants. The first photo is of Joy watching a spinner who knows a friend of mine who also spins and dyes some awesome yarn.

petting a mini-lop

petting a very large chicken

riding a John Deere tractor

we watched the sheep shearing twice

my serious little elephant

I asked her to smile. It almost looks as if she has real tusks ...

riding on an elephant sculpture. I think that she would have MUCH preferred to ride a real one.

They brought out 4 elephants at once. I missed them waving to us. Joy had a blast watching them.

We got to watch them being hand-fed and then brushed. This was the baby elephant. Joy tried to hop the fence to get to them. She really loves elephants.
Posted by Annette