Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Most Embarrasing Moment

Last night was the Cub Scout Blue & Gold Dinner. It was going great, until I was trying to capture Josh's "crossing over" from Cub to Boy Scout. Joy had gotten herself more food and I told her that she had to sit down to eat it. I meant at a table. She figured anywhere would be fine so long as she was sitting down.

So she sat on my feet. Then moved over to Tim's feet. That wasn't comfortable enough so she moved back to my feet. And proceeded to have a very wet accident. Tim and I watched this puddle grow between my feet. It took all of 5 seconds to figure out what it was, but by then it was too late. We then had to quietly and quickly grab as many napkins as possible to sop up the mess. Tim crabwalked and got the wipes while I kept piling napkins on the puddle to soak it up. One of the den leaders and another mother were right next to me. We were trying not to laugh, and I was trying not to turn red. Joy was trying to do the "accident waddle" and keep her pants from touching her too much. Apparently wet corduroy isn't comfortable. All in all, it was quite embarrassing, more for me and Tim I think, than for Joy. I'm very glad that I was wearing the shoes that I was, otherwise *my* feet would have been soaked too.

When Tim returned with her, she was wearing a pull-up and only wanted her blanket to cover her legs. Luckily she was wearing an oversized shirt. Later she was content to run around like she had before. *sigh* This daughter of mine .....

Poopy Days

In my daughter's quest to make herself unequivocally understood, she decided to poop in her underpants. She announced to me as I was changing someone else's diaper and while the downstairs bathroom was occupied, "Mommy, I went poopy in my underwear". She even turned around and pulled at her waistband while saying this. My plaintive reply was, "Why did you do that? Why didn't you tell me you had to go?"

She replied, "I want to wear a diaper" and proceeded to pull one out of her diaper box. *sigh* Well, at least all the children are down for their naps now and without argument :)

And I thought we were doing so well! She stayed dry all through the morning, through her nap, and most of the afternoon yesterday.

Friday, February 11, 2005


Joy put herself down for a nap for the first time EVER!!!!

Well, I told the girls that they had to nap. I thought for *sure* I was going to have to take Joy to her room and rock her (eventually) like I do almost every other time I tell them it's nap time. Today, she asked for 5 more minutes of Lego play (getting good at that -- the asking for 5 more minutes), then she wanted 5 minutes of feeding the baby. I said "No way" to that request. So she went to the back (play) room and got a sleeping mat and the "shoe pillow" (it's the Boppy). She arranged herself at least three times, then complained that the mat was cold. I got a cover for it, got her settled and ... her blanket wouldn't cover her feet. So I went to her room and got the quilt that a friend had made. Joy covered herself from head to toe and .... I haven't heard a peep out of her in at least an hour and a half!!!! She has NEVER put herself to sleep before!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I wish I had a recorder

You know the song "I've got the joy joy joy down in my heart (where?!) down in my heart" .... it's on one of Joy's favorite CD's. She JUST realized that there was a song with *her* name in it on Monday. Since then, she's been singing that song instead of "Hallelu, Hallelu". And the she asks "Me? Down in the heart? Me?" sometimes while pointing to herself. It's cute. And she can carry the tune pretty well too. Anyway, she was singing it this morning, mostly to herself while she waits for me to start crackers and Wiggles. Ah, a mother's job is never done :)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Well, with minimal kids here, I kinda let Joy do whatever to entertain herself. This morning she played on the computer a little, helped me put away groceries, learned how to cook eggs (with supervision), watched Wiggles Safari, had me read to her two books ... and then ... when the Wiggles video was over, asked for another movie. The movie? Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones. I asked her three times if she was sure this was the movie she wanted. Each time she said "yes". She has wandered away from it, but I know the second I try to turn it off she'll tell me to put it back.

Oh well. Her daddy will be proud.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Bath Time exchange

Tim:You do your front, I'll do your back
Joy: No ...I'll do my back
Tim: you can't reach your back
Joy: Yes, I can (reaches hand behind her) I reach my back *smile*

Can Boots Read to You?

The last few days we have been teasing Joy by asking her if Boots (one of our cats) can read her bedtime story instead of us. Her emphatic answer each time is "No! Boots doesn't have any hands!" Sometimes she says it in a voice like "Mom, Dad, are you dense? What part of "doesn't have hands" don't you understand?" and then she smiles.

I finally got it on tape. Though she saw me with the camera .... that last phrase in case you don't understand toddler-ese is "I wanna see me" ... and yes, she is saying "Cheese" while waiting for me to take a picture


OH MY GOSH! Just before hitting publish Tim says, "Hey Boots, read Joy a story." Joy says, "No, Boots can't talk".