Saturday, December 17, 2005

Joy likes to sing

I wish I had gotten the second part of the song. She started improvising verses. Who let the lion out ROWR/Who let the cat out *meow*/Who let my animals out (all sorts of animal sounds).

Joy's Abridged Version of Empire Strikes Back

Friday, December 16, 2005

My li'l baller

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

and so it begins

So, I let Joy watch too much TV. It's a sad fact. But she is turning into quite the cinephile. This morning's choice (beating out reading to her dolls and Sesame Street) is .... drumroll please, "A Charlie Brown Christmas". She's laying on the couch watching it contentedly.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

SW addict redux

Nope, SW II it is. She doesn't like the little kid Anakin apparently (he doesn't show up soon enough for her tastes) -- and Ep. II has something I doesn't, lots of footage of Yoda.

star wars addict

So, it's freezing outside and kind of a "pajammies day". After scarfing down my breakfast my daughter announces that she is going to watch Star Wars. As I get the toddler that I watch cleaned up from breakfast, she gets the DVD, inserts it into the player, uses a chair to get the DVD remote and settles in to watch. I ask "Star Wars I?" and she answers "NO, Star Wars II. Star Wars II, Star Wars II" starting to croon it. And now she is telling the toddler "SHHHHH!"

Though, reading the beginning lines, I was right, it's episode I. There's just something about Tatooine.